Sedation Dentistry Durham, NC

If you suffer from dental anxiety or fear of the dentist, you are not alone. Millions of people every year avoid regular checkups due to this. If you do not seek dental care regularly, dental problems and disease will develop. This will only make the treatments needed more invasive and painful creating even more anxiety. Chapel Hill Family & Cosmetic Dentistry is a local dentist office near Durham, NC that offers many solutions to help with this fear and anxiety. Sedation dentistry is a safe way to reduce dental anxiety and fear of the dentist so that you can get the treatments you need to maintain proper oral health.

Sedation Dentistry in Durham, NC

Sedation Dentistry Durham, NC

During your initial consultation or appointment, you will need to share your fears with Dr. James Furgurson or Dr. Nathan White. They will discuss your options and see if you qualify for dental sedation. We will review you complete medical history to make sure it is safe for you.

Sedation dentistry will help patients receive the dental care they need. Dentist will use it for regular checkups or restorative treatments. It is especially helpful for anxious patients who need to undergo extensive dental treatments. when you opt for dental sedation, there are also many added benefits including:

  • Enhances effectiveness of anesthetic
  • Decreases gag reflex
  • Little joint and muscle soreness
  • More treatments in less visits
  • Treatments completed in less time
  • No painful memories

Sedation Options

Oral conscious sedation is a very light state of relaxation. During this lowered level of consciousness, you will still be able to breath normally and maintain movement independently yet you will feel very drowsy. Your dentist will give you a pill that you will need a prescription for. Your first dose will be taken at home before your scheduled appointment. Since you will feel very tired and drowsy, you will need to have transportation to your appointment. Oral sedation takes many hours to wear off so you will also need to arrange for a rider home after your treatment is complete. Most people report that they do not remember anything from the appointment despite being awake the whole time.

Nitrous oxide is commonly referred to as “laughing gas” and has been used for many years in dentistry. It is an odorless gas that you will inhale through a cannula that will sit beneath your nose. This safe relaxation technique will help lessen the fear and anxiety you may have about your treatment. Just like oral conscious, you will have full control of your breathing and movements. You will even be able to interact with your dentist. After your treatment, the cannula will be removed and the effects should wear off after a short period. You will be completely awake and alert enough to drive yourself home.

Schedule an Appointment with Us
If you suffer from dental anxiety or fear of the dentist, schedule an appointment with Dr. Furgurson or Dr. White. We can discuss your sedation dentistry options and create a treatment plan to help get your oral health back on track.