Porcelain Veneers Durham, NC

If you are unhappy with your smile and want to transform the look of your teeth, contact Chapel Hill Family and Cosmetic Dentistry. We offer affordable and effective porcelain veneers in Durham, NC. Dr. James Furgurson and his associate Dr. White are experienced cosmetic dentists that improve the health and aesthetics of many patients’ smiles.

Dentists often recommend and offer porcelain veneers to patients with chipped, crooked, or discolored teeth. Veneers are protective covers that change the shape, shade, and size of teeth. Dental veneers cover one or more teeth in your smile line, or the teeth that show when you smile. We are currently welcoming patients from Durham, NC, who want porcelain veneers to improve the look of their smile.

Porcelain Veneers in Durham NC

What are Porcelain Veneers?

Porcelain veneers are very thin shells that we bond to the front of a tooth to improve its appearance. We use dental impressions to customize the veneer for an exact fit. Since we need to remove a small amount of the tooth structure to accommodate it, this cosmetic dental treatment is a permanent dental repair.

To maintain them, you should brush and floss like you normally do on a daily basis. If you properly care for them, they can last up to 15 years or longer. Our dentists will use porcelain veneers to fix:

Porcelain Veneers Durham, NC

  • Aging teeth that have worn down
  • Broken or chipped teeth
  • Stained or yellowed teeth
  • Stained, unsightly or washed-out fillings
  • Misshapen or crooked teeth that do not need orthodontic treatment
  • Gaps between teeth, commonly for front teeth

Porcelain veneers offer many benefits over no-prep or minimal-prep veneers. Veneer options that do not require tooth preparation will not last as long as porcelain veneers. Minimal or no-prep veneers also use different materials. These veneer materials are thin and more prone to chipping or cracking over time. 

Porcelain veneers are stain-resistant and resistant to wear because of their strong materials. If you want to cover tooth imperfections without tooth preparation, we may recommend dental bonding as an alternative. However, if you want a long-lasting option to 

The Porcelain Veneer Process

The entire porcelain veneer process should take two to three visits to our Durham, NC, area dentist office. The steps of the veneer process include: 


You will first meet with Dr. Furgurson or Dr. White to determine if porcelain veneers are the right cosmetic treatment for you. This will include a comprehensive exam and consultation where you can also share your concerns about the aesthetics of your beautiful smile. Using digital imagery, our dentist can show you what your smile will look like with veneers.


Dr. Furgurson or Dr. White will prepare your teeth by filing off a minimal amount of tooth enamel. Our dentists remove as little tooth structure as they can to ensure the veneers fit securely and comfortably. Then, one of our dentists will take a digital impression of your teeth to fabricate your porcelain veneers. We will also do a shade analysis to ensure the veneers will blend in with your surrounding natural teeth.


A talented ceramist in a dental laboratory will hand-fabricate your new veneers. They will use the measurements and impressions of your teeth to create the veneers from porcelain materials. It can take several weeks for your new veneers to be ready. In the meantime, we will provide temporary veneers.

Once your permanent veneers arrive at our Durham, NC, area dentist’s office, we will remove the temporary veneers. Then, Dr. Furgurson or Dr. White will ensure the proper fit and color of your permanent veneers. If you love your new veneers, we will permanently cement them to your teeth.

How to Care For Veneers

After you get your final veneers, follow these tips to ensure they last:

Brush and Floss

Veneers need the same care as your natural teeth to keep them in good shape. You should brush and floss your veneers twice a day, just like you do with your natural teeth. Floss first to remove any food or plaque stuck between your teeth. After flossing, brush your veneers with a soft-bristled toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste. This helps keep them clean and bright while protecting them from damage.

Schedule Regular Dental Visits

During your regular visits to the dentist, we will check to make sure your veneers are still bright and in good shape. We will also clean your teeth and gums to keep them healthy. This cleaning not only helps prevent problems like cavities and gum disease but also removes any surface stains from your veneers. Keeping up with these visits helps your smile stay looking great and feeling fresh.

Stop Bad Habits

Avoid biting your nails, chewing on ice, or using your teeth to open packages or tools. Doing these things can hurt or even knock loose your veneers. Although porcelain veneers are quite strong, they can still be damaged.

To keep your veneers in good condition, it’s best to use them only for their intended purpose and not put stress on them. This helps ensure they look great and stay securely in place.

Porcelain Veneers FAQs

We welcome you to learn about porcelain veneers in Durham, NC, with answers to these common questions: 

How long does it take to get a porcelain veneer?

Getting porcelain veneers on your teeth can take anywhere from two weeks to two months. The length of the process depends on the size and complexity of the case. For example, if you only need one, your dentist can create, place, and bond it in a week. If you need many, our dentist may need to correct base issues before they place dental veneers.

How long do porcelain veneers really last?

The lifespan of porcelain veneers is different for everyone and will depend on how well the patient takes care of them. Generally speaking, they last anywhere from 10 to 20 years. They offer a quick and easy way to improve your smile without spending a lot of time in the dentist chair.

Can your teeth rot under porcelain veneers?

Porcelain veneers are a popular option for those looking to improve the appearance of their teeth. However, the ultra-thin material is not as strong as real teeth. It does not completely protect against decay.

In rare cases, you can get cavities under veneers if the dentist didn’t properly place them. In addition, if you develop gum disease, bacteria from the gums can begin to affect your natural tooth beneath the veneer. For this reason, you must continue to brush and floss your veneers daily.

Can you whiten porcelain veneers?

No, you cannot whiten veneers. Teeth whitening products, even professional teeth whitening, only works on natural tooth enamel and won’t change the color of veneers. If your veneers become stained or lose brightness over time, our dentist can polish them to improve their appearance. In some cases, if your veneers are very discolored, you may need to replace them to get the color you want.

To keep veneers looking their best, brush and floss regularly. Avoid habits like smoking or drinking a lot of coffee, which can stain them.

Are veneers reversible?

No, veneers are not reversible. For this reason, veneers are a great option for patients who want to cover their teeth permanently. Since veneers are designed to stay on your teeth for many years, they can be a fantastic choice for anyone looking to cover up issues like stains, chips, or gaps in their teeth.

People who want a beautiful, confident smile that lasts often choose veneers because they know they won’t need to worry about removing or replacing them frequently. However, you must be sure you want veneers, as the decision is permanent.

At what age can you get veneers?

There’s no specific age requirement for getting veneers, but most dentists recommend waiting until you’re at least 18 years old. Your teeth and jaw are still growing when you’re younger. Placing veneers too early could cause problems as your mouth changes.

Talk to our dentist to see if veneers are the right option for you. He will consider things like your dental health, age, and whether your teeth are fully developed before he recommends veneers.

How many veneers do I need?

The number of veneers you need depends on your smile and what you want to fix. Some patients choose to get veneers on just a few teeth that are chipped, stained, or misaligned. Other patients may want a full set to improve the appearance of their entire smile. Our dentist can help you decide how many veneers are right for you based on your goals and the condition of your teeth.

How much are veneers?

The cost of veneers can vary based on several factors. First, it depends on how many veneers you need. If you only need one or two, the cost will be lower than if you want to cover several teeth.

Another factor is the type of material used for the veneers. Porcelain veneers are usually more expensive than ceramic veneers. This is because porcelain is a stronger and more durable material. Even though they cost more, many people choose porcelain veneers because they last longer than ceramic ones. Investing in porcelain veneers can be worth it in the long run because they are less likely to chip or wear down over time. 

Get Veneers Today

Learn more about porcelain veneers and their benefits at Chapel Hill Family and Cosmetic Dentistry. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Furgurson or Dr. White. You can reach our office at 919.736.6175 or schedule an online consultation today.

Our dentists will evaluate your mouth and oral health history to determine if dental veneers are the right treatment for you. We currently welcome new patients from Durham, NC.