Dental Implants Durham, NC

Most people will not make it through life without losing at least one tooth. Trauma, gum disease, and poor oral hygiene are all reasons why people have missing or damaged teeth. Many choices are available to replace teeth and rebuild smiles. Dental implants, however, offer the most long-term health benefits. Dental implants in Durham, NC, can improve the function and form of teeth.

Dr. James Furgurson is an expert implant dentist and has achieved the status of Fellow in the International Congress of Oral Implantologists. He is a passionate dentist who listens to his patient’s needs and goals.

In most cases, Dr. Furgurson can perform every step of the implant process at his Chapel Hill dentist office. As a top dental implant dentist, he treats patients from many area communities, including Durham, NC.

dental implants durham nc

About Dental Implants

A dental implant is a small, titanium metal post that looks like a screw. Our dentist will surgically implant the post into the jaw bone. These implants will eventually fuse with the living bone as it heals to create a strong bond. Implants will support a dental prosthetic custom-made to the shape and shade of natural teeth. Our dentist will send impressions to a lab that creates restorations that blend in naturally with your smile.

Dental implants serve as a replacement tooth root. The implant posts stimulate the jaw bone, preventing premature bone loss over time. However, not everyone will qualify for dental implants. You should have enough healthy jaw bone to support this tooth replacement choice. However, we can provide pretreatments like bone grafting to prepare you for implants. 

The Benefits of Dental Implants in Durham, NC

Dental implants are the smart choice for patients of all ages. They are the best way to replace a lost natural tooth. Tooth implants offer many more advantages than alternatives, such as dental bridges or dentures. These benefits include:

  • Permanent solution for missing teeth
  • Better preservation of bone structure
  • Support adjacent teeth
  • We can fix replacement teeth in place with an implant, which means they don’t slip out like dentures
  • No worrying about restoration slipping around in the mouth
  • Easy to care for
  • Look, feel, and function like natural teeth
  • Little to no food restrictions
  • Replaced teeth will not get cavities
  • Improves the appearance of the smile and lower face
  • Dentists can use implants to replace a single tooth with a bridge or multiple teeth with a full denture
  • Superior durability and longevity

What is Teeth in a Day?

“Teeth in a Day” refers to removing teeth, placing implants, and placing a restoration in one visit. This process enables you to not be without teeth during the implant process. Teeth in a day is valuable for patients with dentures and missing teeth in the front of the mouth.

The Dental Implants Process

Tooth replacement with dental implants will take about three to six months. If you require pre-treatments, the process time will be longer. Dr. James Furgurson will evaluate your teeth and jaw and plan your treatment. This involves an evaluation of your entire oral structure.

Next is the surgical placement of the teeth implants. Dr. Furgurson will insert the implants into your jawbone at his Durham, NC area dentist office.

If you require extractions, we will complete them immediately before the surgery. In some cases, we may immediately restore the dental implant with a denture, dental crown, or bridge. In other instances, we will place a temporary restoration.

After your surgery, the implants will naturally fuse with the surrounding bone, creating a strong base for your new dental prosthesis. This process can take three to six months. Dr. Furgurson will closely monitor your healing during this time.

We will attach the abutments after the implants fuse with the jaw bone. These pieces connect the implant post to the restoration. Your gums will need time to heal. 

Then, once you are healed and your crown, denture, or bridge is ready, you will return to our office. Finally, we will place the final restoration at our Durham, NC, area dentist’s office. Your replacement teeth will look, feel, and function like real teeth.

Dental Implant FAQs Answered By Experts in the Industry

Learn more about dental implants in our Durham, NC, office with answers to these common questions: 

How much does a dental implant cost?

Dental implants are a great solution for people with missing teeth. The cost of dental implants varies depending on the type and location of the implant.

Some dentists offer affordable dental implants in-office without seeing multiple specialists. Furthermore, these dental offices may offer financial assistance or financing plans to help you pay for your dental implant procedure.

Am I a candidate for dental implants?

If you are in good oral health and have healthy jaw bone, you are a candidate for implants. You might also be a candidate for dental implants if you have lost teeth but still have healthy bone and gum tissue. Implants are artificial tooth roots that dentists surgically place into the jawbone under the gum. They connect to a titanium post on top of the bone that replaces your original tooth root.

Because the implant needs proper support, you need to have a healthy jawbone structure. We recommend bone grafting if you do not have enough jaw bone for implants. 

What are the different types of dental implants available?

Many different types of dental implants are available in the market, but two main types are the most popular.

The first type is called an osseointegrated dental implant or endosteal implant. These implants work by integrating with the bone and have a screw-like design. They can replace single or many missing teeth.

The second type is called an abutment-supported dental implant or subperiosteal implant. These implants have a more traditional tooth-like shape and can only replace a single tooth.

Get Dental Implants in Durham, NC

Restore missing teeth with long-lasting implant restorations. Call for an implant consultation at 919.736.6175. You can also schedule an appointment with implant dentist Dr. Furgurson online. If you have any questions about implants, please let us know at your next visit.